Page Redirect

What is Page Redirect? #

A page redirect is a web development technique used to automatically send users from one URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to another. This redirection is typically implemented using HTTP status codes and headers. When a user attempts to access a specific URL, the server sends a response indicating that the content has moved, and the user’s browser then automatically navigates to the new URL.

Page redirects are commonly utilized for various purposes, including:

  1. Content Migration: When a website undergoes a redesign or restructure, page redirects can ensure that visitors are directed to the appropriate new pages instead of encountering broken links.
  2. Changing URLs: If a URL needs to be changed for any reason, a redirect can guide users from the old URL to the new one, preserving user experience and search engine rankings.
  3. Marketing Campaigns: Page redirects are often used in marketing campaigns, where a specific URL is shared and then redirects users to a landing page or promotion.
  4. Temporary or Permanent Redirects: Redirects can be set up as temporary (HTTP 302) or permanent (HTTP 301). Temporary redirects indicate that the original URL will be used again in the future, while permanent redirects imply a permanent move to the new URL.

How do I begin the process of setting up page redirects for my page? #

Step 1 : Simply select the button “Page Redirect” and tap on the pencil icon.

Step 2 : Please provide the URL to which you would like users to be redirected from this page.

Step 3 : Click the “Save” button, and your page will be prepared and finalized.

How can I deactivate or turn off page redirection? #

Step 1 : You have the option to toggle the page redirect on or off, allowing you to either enable or disable it.

Step 2 : Once you adjust the toggle, the changes will be immediately applied to your page.

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