
What is Photo/Marker? #

How can I change the button label? #

Step 1 : Please login and access the page you wish to change.

Step 2 : Click on the pencil icon located in the button “Marker/Photo” section to begin editing.

Step 3 : Click on the edit icon to modify the label associated with your Marker/Photo.

Step 5 : Please enter the name or label that you want to assign to your Marker/Photo in the given field.

Step 6 : Click on the “Save” button to confirm and save the changes made to the label associated with your Marker/Photo.

How to upload a Photo/Marker marker? #

Step 1 : Click on the pencil icon located in the button “Marker/Photo” section to begin editing.

Step 2 : Click on the upload icon to upload a new Marker/Photo or remove the current one.

Step 3 : Select your desired image file by clicking on the “Choose file” icon to upload it as your new Marker/Photo.

Step 4 : Click on the “Upload” button to initiate the uploading process for your chosen image file, which will be used as your new Marker/Photo.

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